Excellence in Music: Vol. 1
Contents of
Excellence in Music: Volume 1
25 lessons and one workbook
Magic of Inner Hearing Lessons A-P
The Magic of Sight Reading
1X4 Practicing Life Through Music
A String With Zing
Those Marvelous Scales and Chords
The $5 Job
The History of Notation
You Can Be a Great Performer
What Can I Learn in Volume 1?
In the first volume, students spend time perfecting a few basic skills that will form a foundation for rapid development in later volumes. Sight singing (with its counterparts of melodic and rhythmic dictation), note names, counting, transposition, dynamics, scale writing, beginning composition, and more are all introduced. Lots of activities keep the learning enjoyable.
Teachers and students of all ages and skill levels have reported great benefits of listening and applying the principles taught. These lessons also teach how the mind learns. Once a student realizes how the mind learns, they can work with the mind to achieve amazing results! Indeed, amazing results begin to occur as a student applies the principles taught.
This volume (and all future volumes) helps build within the student a desire to develop to their full potential in music and in life.